Have you go after Spanish mackerel only to feel angry because you had no luck? Don't worry! At first, most people have difficulty but the key to hooking up these exciting fish is using the correct lure. A lure is anything that resembles food for the fish, and it's used to attract them. Happy View has a wide selection of lures designed specifically for Spanish mackerel. This guide will walk you through the best lures to use and how to use them.
The lure for catching Spanish Mackerel should be bright and colorful. Spanish mackerel are inquisitive fish and love to follow things that move and look different, so making sure your lure stands out is crucial. Shiny lures such as chrome or gold finished lures will also attract fish since they will catch the light.
It’s also important to consider the lure’s size and weight. Choosing a smaller lure is better luck for Spanish mackerel scavengers as they feed on smaller fish. Sometimes with a lighter lure, you can move it quickly and get it back out quicker in the water, which comes in handy, if fish are swimming by you.
Color and shine of a lure also is very important. Spanish mackerel are attracted to bright colors and shiny patterns that mimic the scales of small fish. Lures that are bright or shiny are most effective in clear water or when fish are more active near the surface, as they can see the lure more easily
In general, when catching Spanish mackerel with lures you should know that they are fast aggressive predators. Remember a fast retrieve, with the lure moving erratically, can be deadly in coaxing a bite. Changing the speed and deepness of your pull on the lure can help. This gives the imitation the action of small bait fish which could trigger a bite from the Spanish mackerel.
When you cast your lure, target areas where Spanish mackerel are actively feeding. This could be next to rocks, piers or schools of baitfish. Trolling is also, of course, an effective tactic, particularly if you are hunting for bigger Spanish mackerel that are swimming in deeper water.
The type of bait you pack will vary depending on where you are fishing. On sunny days, shiny lures are better at attracting fish, for instance. Conversely, in murky or cloudy water, you can have success with darker lures or ones with varying patterns to attract the fish's attention.